Template — CCLPD

CCLDP #7: PSG Initial Counseling

This package is provided to spark and support a professional conversation among officers and senior NCOs about counseling, expectations, and the Officer-NCO relationship.


  • A video (2:49) that features LT Schuyler Williamson describing his approach to conducting initial counseling with the four platoon sergeants he has worked with.
  • Leader Guide

Suggested Plan:

Prep: Have your team watch the video.

Execution: The power of the CCLPD method stems from candid and free-flowing conversations about the content. The questions below are suggestions if the conversation seems to be dragging or having trouble getting started, but feel free to do whatever will best get your leaders talking.

  1. What aspects of LT Williamson’s approach to conducting a PSG’s initial counseling appeal most to you?

  2. What have been some of your experiences with initial counseling—as both the counselor and counselee? How are they similar or different than Williamson’s approach?

  3. When should the PL initially counsel a new PSG? On the first day? Within the first couple of weeks? After 30 days? What might be the advantages and disadvantages of each approach?

  4. What are your goals when you conduct an initial counseling with your NCO counterpart?

  5. What are some counseling strategies you can use to achieve those goals?

  6. What is something that our unit can do to improve our counseling program?


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