JO Newsletter — June 2017
Summer is here, and for many of you, that means transition. Whether you’re moving to a new post or a new job, the JO Forum is here to support you. A special congrats to all of the new second lieutenants making the transition from their commissioning sources!
As always, if you see something that you want to contribute to, just hit the link and go right to the item. If you want to submit a document or respond to a thread but can’t get to the forum, just reply to this email and we’ll get it posted.
- Training for 92-Series Soldiers: A leader is lacking assets, space, and opportunity to fully train his 92-series soldiers. Have you struggle with similar MOS-specific issues? How did you handle it?
- ATRRS Courses for Down Time: In a lull between courses or jobs, and looking for opportunities to better develop yourself? Take a look at this thread about ways to make the most of it.
- Caught Between Clashing Priorities: We got some great responses to our Jam question about navigating differing priorities of your rater and senior rater. Chime in with your own thoughts and perspectives!
- DITY Move/PPM Move Tip Sheet: Getting ready for a big move? Take a look at this tip sheet on DITY/PPM options and the additional observations that Forum Members have added.
- New vs. old retirement system: You never get a second chance to make a first impression. Listen in to advice for a new lieutenant about things to ask during that first senior rater counseling, and add some of your own.
Got a question of your own to ask? Hit this link!
- Tips for Advanced Camp and USMA CLDT: Are you a cadet gearing up for that big summer milestone? The Military Leader has some advice. For those of you coming out of these experiences, feel free to add your own comments and observations.
- XO Documents from III Corps Course: One of our own has helpfully exported a huge treasure trove of documents relevant for XOs and junior staff officers. Topics covered include CSDP, EDRE, EO, UMO, WTU, and much more!
- Career Timeline Tool: How many times have you heard “You are your own best career manager”? Take a look at this tool for thinking about your career timeline, complete with some of the major milestones and career opportunities.
- ARNG BN APFT and Body Composition SOP: Written for a reserve component battalion, but the issue is one we all have to deal with. A fantastic starting point for anyone looking for APFT and height-weight policies.
Got a tool/SOP/document that can help others? Share it here!
Community News
- Coming soon — the Read2Lead community! This dedicated space will be devoted to discussions of professional reading between junior officers. Are you interested in conducting a book discussion within your unit, but need the resources to do so? The JO Team can provide books and the online space to conduct the discussions, along with coaching on crafting the right questions and drawing out meaningful observations. Just reply to this newsletter and let us know you’re interested.
- Did you know that CALDOL, steward of the JO Forum, also sponsors the Leaders Huddle Podcast? The podcast features engaging discussions to educate and inspire current and future generations of junior officers and other company-level leaders. Published every other week, the content of the podcast will develop your capacity as a leader and provide actionable guidance for improving your organization. You can view and listen to the podcast within the JO Forum. You can also subscribe on iTunes or Google Play, but we are working on an issue with Apple regarding the DoD security certificates that we use on the JO site. If you have trouble subscribing in the near future, please come to the forum and listen from there.
- Something about the JO forum not quite right? Let us know using the BugHunter thread!