
  • tiarawalz replied to the topic How do you stay healthy? in the forum Junior Officer 6 years, 4 months ago

    Staying healthy for me usually involves signing up for a race of some kind to keep me motivated and focused on a goal. I have gotten Soldiers, Peers, and Coworkers to do some of these races with me too. It’s a lot of fun. Even when organized PT may disappear from the picture, working out is still a huge way to build teamwork, camaraderie, and release those endorphins. It’s really dawning on me now on a current stretch of laziness how much I literally NEED physical activity in my life. It is the portion of my day where I get to take care of ME. That piece of self-care makes me a better leader, which I can then bring to work. I try to stress those benefits to people that I know as well.

    1. Get up early to PT even when you’re not accountable to do so. Physical fitness is an individual responsibility.

    2. Have a variety of workouts in your arsenal so that no matter where you are,  you can get some sort of activity in. I have run stairs in a hotel building before as a workout.

    3. Enlist others to workout with you! Hold each other accountable.

    4. Eat right. Get an app. Limit the heavy, processed foods. ESPECIALLY if you’re in a desk/staff job *snooze*!!

    5. Get your family involved in physical activities. Instead of going to the movies, go rock climbing or for a hike together. Even if it’s not structure exercise, you’re still getting out and moving. Sometimes that is how we have to multitask.

    6. Don’t make excuses. You can do an excellent workout in 20 minutes. It really just takes developing that habit and doing proper time-management. Your body will thank you!