
  • george.l.gurrola started the topic Are you following the Commander's Guidance? in the forum Junior Officer 6 years, 2 months ago

    Besides listening to the JO Forum’s podcast, this week I tuned into the Military Leader’s Podcast Episode 4 with BG Ross Coffman. In his podcast he acknowledges the importance of company commanders and first sergeants stating, “everything comes down on the company commanders. Division commanders know this. Senior leaders across the army know this.” He advises “figure out what is important to your boss and prioritize.”

    Here are some principles or thoughts based of his comments:

    1. Know the commander’s philosophy and incorporate it into your own philosophy. It doesn’t have to be verbatim, in fact I do not recommend that, but should reflect similar goals and priorities.

    2. Meet regularly with the commander and have the “priority” conversation. Every meeting with the commander provides an opportunity to demonstrate that you are nested within his or her guidance.

    3. As BG Coffman stated, “focus on Soldier’s needs.” I’ve seen commanders who wait until the last minute (or are late ) taking care of their monthly reports that directly affect pay or morale.

    Discussion / Question.

    How are you (as the company commander) aligning your priorities with your battalion commander?