
  • brock.j.young replied to the topic Objective T and Detached Personnel in the forum Junior Officer 6 years, 2 months ago

    Bottom line, OBJ-T is going to hurt the ratings of a lot of units, and I think after a couple of years the Army will find that it was over reach. No doubt there were some dubious ratings in the subjectivity of how things have been done. However with OBJ-T, units are set up for failure – ESPECIALLY in the Reserve compo.

    From my experience, it will be impossible for my unit to ever get more than a P in any MET. In a given year, I have 25% or more of my assigned strength at school, which then means they don’t come to AT (annual training). When does the Guard typically hit all of it’s MET training and get evaluated? That’s right, AT. Never mind the Soldiers who don’t attend drill because of academies, school, or other important, civilian side, reasons. Now let’s talk about manning. I’m short 4, 31B4Os. Don’t get me started with the lack of ammunition or training ranges.

    I’m worried OBJ-T is just going to be something else that forces commanders to chose between A) tell the truth and have it adversely affect their company and any possibility of deployment; or B) pencil whip it (just like many leaders do on the mundane “mandatory” tasks) at which point higher level commanders will applaud them for meeting the standard.