
  • george.l.gurrola replied to the topic Objective T and Detached Personnel in the forum Junior Officer 6 years, 2 months ago

    @eberlesa – I’m glad you brought up some of the issues OBJ-T. For one, I agree with @brock.j.young. You will have to communicate the challenges you are facing early AND often to your higher HQs. As for training, some commanders have mentioned they knock out a long-range training calendar, prioritizing METs (based off commander’s guidance), and maximizing participation.  Simply put, there is no easy answer and there will be trade-offs. The key is to have a a long-range plan leading up to deployment, articulate the deficiencies so they don’t come as a surprise. What other commanders have seen in the past, is that your FMT maybe OPCON to the batteries while remaining ADCON to you. Best of luck.