
  • ae_rollinson replied to the topic Objective T and Detached Personnel in the forum Junior Officer 6 years, 2 months ago

    This reminds me of the relationship that my SQDN had with a medic platoon in the HHT. The Line Medics were all “assigned for duty” to the Line Troops. No problem except … there weren’t MTOE slots at those Troops, there were only MTOE slots with the PLT in HHT. So all medics were Assigned to HHT, but many had duty (were attached) to those Line troops. For admin purposes (deployment manifests, tracking, MEDPROS) all medics were assigned to HHT and fell under their PLT (and the HHT 1SG), and then there was a note added that the Medic was A TRP or B TRP medic. For operational needs after that basic tracking was accounted for, they were dispersed to the troop they were attached. Basically, as the S1 I care that we had seats on a plane for them and we weren’t double counting folks [that happened later with FISTers upon JRTC redeployment with cross-BN miscommunication…#facepalm]. There was an understanding between those 2 1SGs that the line medic better have their stuff straight to execute operations, and that the HHT 1SG would

    Maybe considering your FMTs similar to Medics in this situation can help you think about the problem from a new angle to find a solution / approach / addressing OBJ T. FYSA; YMMV (your mileage may vary).

    @chris_s , any thoughts to help on this problem set?