
  • george.l.gurrola started the topic Senior Rater Counseling as a Commander in the forum Junior Officer 6 years ago

    Senior rater counseling as a Commander is critical to receiving feedback, guidance, and gaining an azimuth check on how your leadership impacts the unit. Yet, my experience has been that the senior rater (in a company commander’s case the Brigade Commander) rarely provides more counseling.  I found that at first I was apprehensive about asking the Brigade Commander for counseling, especially since we were geographically in different bases. I later found that it was important to maintain adequate communications with your Senior Rater, outside of scheduled events such as QTBs,


    Do you receive counseling from your Senior Rater? What is the norm in your unit?

    Should BDE Commanders provide their subordinate commanders with timely feedback as per regulation?

    A recent post on the forum discusses senior rater questions: