
  • heather.a.real replied to the topic Questions for October Drill in the forum 208th Medical Company 5 years, 6 months ago

    I think in order for “things just to happen” you have to set the conditions – meaning the right tools need to be at your disposal – and being in an organization where “getting your stuff done” is the expectation. The organizational culture needs to encourage asking questions, but also emphasizing ownership of those tasks.

    So for example, when I was on-boarding as a consultant, the most important and reiterated piece of cultural advice I received was, “If you need help, ask for it; otherwise no one will know you’re struggling, and I promise everyone wants to see you succeed.” THAT type of mantra sets the right attitude that sets the expectation that you are in charge of your domain, but we got your back.

    That being said, in the very same organization, I had a manager that essentially would undermine that culture by micromanaging every product, meeting, and interpreted data sets I created. That micromanagement left me second guessing every word, graph, or picture I put on a slide and destroyed my confidence in my ability. So I waited to be prompted on what to do, otherwise I’d spend hours doing re-work.

    In short, if I can OWN my work and I’m given the right tools,  I will take pride in it and be motivated to “make it happen.”