
  • brock.j.young replied to the topic The Art of Balance in the forum Junior Officer 5 years, 10 months ago


    I feel your pain. AGR, since 2012. Aide, PL, BN A-S3, full time BN 3, S1, Company Commander, BDE A-S3… It never seems to stop.

    I recommend attacking it just like any other M-day commander does. Work out a daily battle rhythm of when and what you need to do, and then pen in some time for your Company Command role. We’re lucky that as AGR we have an “employer” that will allow that sort of thing. However you can’t burn too many full time hours on your unit, because let’s be honest, your AGR position pays the bills and makes being a company commander possible. If you loose it, then what?

    I personally set at least an hour a day. If I can squeeze it into my work day, cool! If not, I’m still and commander and have responsibilities.

    Hope this helps.
