
  • brock.j.young started the topic JO Professional Writing List: What Have You Written? in the forum Junior Officer 5 years, 5 months ago

    What have you written?

    Professional writing, the ability to convey your thoughts, ideas, and perspectives to peers, subordinates and superiors, is as much a required skill as being able to speak publicly. Whether it’s a decision brief, white paper, or article for a web site or magazine, how well you are able to write can be more important than what you actually have to say. Participating here in the forums is taking taking that next step, however what about the step after that?

    Much like the JO Forum’s Read2Lead, where you pursue self-improvement through professional reading, professional writing can also hone your mental strength, as well as your mental toughness. Writing something and submitting it for the scrutiny of the world builds resilience, competence, and forces you leaders out of their comfort zones. Professional writing is something to be admired and commended.

    So, what have you written? Did you take part in a Company Command article, maybe a leadership interview? Do you contribute to a blog or social media site? Have you been published in one of the many professional web sites or magazines? Maybe you wrote a book or a fictional short story? This is your chance to show the peers on JO what you’ve done, so others can follow your path. Take pride in your accomplishments! Simply add the following;

    Article Title/Name; (co-author credit if applicable); Publication/Website; Date published; URL; and then any thoughts you had about your project.
