
  • ae_rollinson replied to the topic My Board File and AIM – Assignment Interactive Module in the forum Junior Officer 5 years, 9 months ago

    Can’t lie, I’m presently out of the game and not current on AIM.

    However, Board Files feed out IPERMS.  If the Soldier has an item in iPERMS but it isn’t showing in their MyBoardFile, I’d call iPERMS desk and pull the “I’m  the (unit) S1 and calling with a question about (Soldier) file” card.  Do your research, know what should and shouldn’t have there, and be willing to chit chat / don’t be in a hurry.   TL;DR – you can only fix the My Board via IPERMS, to my knowledge.


    On a related note, don’t forget to check who has viewed their file via the HRC Apps & Tools.  It’s good data to have in your back pocket.   I believe it helped me be in sync with COs because I did it before BN got punched in the face by BDE, so the COs were already working with their LTS (and it can earn credit for you looking out for the COs).


    Hope this helps!