
  • JO Team started the topic Professional New Year's Resolutions (January 2019 JO Jam) in the forum Junior Officer 6 years, 1 month ago

    A new year means new opportunities for growth, challenge, and professional development. As you jump into 2019, take a moment to reflect on what lies ahead for you and what you want to accomplish.

    What are your professional New Year’s resolutions? What are your big goals to accomplish this year?

    Some sub-questions that might help you tackle this big one:

    • Did your 2018 go according to plan? If not, what would you do differently?
    • What are the small steps that can help you achieve your big goals?
    • For those of you in the Reserve Component, how is your goal planning and achievement impacted by your RC status? How do you achieve, manage, and balance your work/life responsibilities and goals?
    • How do you classify your different goals (e.g. professional development, fitness, personal growth, relationship building, etc.)?