
  • tiarawalz replied to the topic Professional New Year's Resolutions (January 2019 JO Jam) in the forum Junior Officer 5 years, 8 months ago

    Love these resolutions!

    I also want to be better about professional reading and maintaining professional relationships. As I prepare to be in a PhD program “away from the flag pole” for 3 years, I am increasingly nervous about feeling alone and losing touch with the military side of healthcare. Maintaining relationships is going to be key to avoid that.

    Another resolution is to learn to say “no” more often. I have a bad habit of stretching myself too thin and I REALLY want to focus on my top 5 priorities and do them WELL, instead of taking on 20 initiatives and showing up with less than my best. I’ve already said no to a conference in March and to someone asking me to take the lead on a committee I’m serving on…we simply cannot do it all.

    Where to best spend my time is something I can only hope to improve on with age and experience 🙂 As I prepare to get promoted to MAJ in a few months, I think it’s prime time to really focus on this in 2019.