
  • fightingengineer replied to the topic Tips and Tricks in Dealing with GCSS-Army (GCSS-A) in the forum Junior Officer 5 years, 8 months ago


    I’ll echo Rose’s mention of how GCSS-Army assists in the dispatching process. You can also use it to digitally sign licenses, which is a time investment up front, but helps cut down on Soldiers’ losing theirs and you having to resign them.

    A frustration I had was the way computer monitors and televisions are accounted for. For most TVs and monitors, GCSS-Army no longer “requires” serial number verification (AKA: there are no serial numbers for them on the property book). You’re supposed to verify make and model. The problem is, most of the model numbers are either not close to correct, incredibly vague, or one or two numerals off. I tried to work with my PBO about getting the model corrected but I was met with reasons in higher level property jargon on why we could not fix it.

    To make myself feel better, I built a tracker (attached) that used serial numbers from our last PBUSE hand receipt before GCSS-Army conversion. So as long as I found those serial numbers, I’d have the monitors I was supposed to have. While I don’t think this is the “right” answer (getting the nomenclature fixed), it’s the only way I could figure out to make sure I had what I was supposed to. As you can see, I never got around to finishing it. I wanted to come up with some control number to easily display on all the monitors, but ran out of time.

    The largest frustration I had was the amount of training required for commanders and non-supply personnel. I tried to sit through the online classes but it was a huge time sink and really didn’t seem like it was relevant for a commander to know. Admittedly, I never finished it. It’s probably a prudent decision to finish the training yourself and have your subordinate officers do the same.