
  • zmierva replied to the topic Keeping the Saw Sharp (Self Development) in the forum Junior Officer 5 years, 8 months ago

    That’s a great idea, I may crowd source some folks to see what method they use to share with Cadets. Personally, I’ve been leveraging the Kindle reading app more recently. I purchased a new iPad and can use OneNote and Kindle open simultaneously to take notes if I see fit. This allows me to be more mobile, and I find myself breaking out my phone app or iPad when I have downtime to get a few pages in.

    And also 100% agreed on proofing. I talk with my company a lot about how your writing must stand in quality on its’ own without you there to back it up in person. I am going to start specifying having additional eyes on to help catch issues. While that’s an implied task for some, it needs to be specified for most!

    CPT M