
  • brock.j.young replied to the topic First review of unit before intial counseling – Reserve in the forum Junior Officer 5 years, 8 months ago

    Not to totally agree with everyone here, however agreed! Your initial counseling is just that; the INITIAL counseling. It will show your subordinates what your expectations are going forward, as well as what they can expect from you. Course corrections and head-space-and-timing checks can take place at that 3-6 drill mark. Like you, I had some time between OCS/BOLC and becoming a PL, since my first duty position as an officer was as an Aide de Camp. So I observed, took notes, and did some serious introspection. I developed my own leadership philosophy, wrote it, rewrote it, got some feedback, and rewrote it again. When I took over my PLT, I used that leadership philosophy (LP) memo and counseled the entire platoon. This memo became the foundation of each and every counseling I gave. My initial counseling to my PSG and SLs, building off of my LP, then focused on what I expected of them in their positions and as leaders. Additionally, the memo then gave my subordinate leaders something to base their counseling off of.


    However it dawns on me, that maybe you were thinking about making CHANGES, not counseling. While I agree initial counseling should be done right away, you should take a couple of drills before making drastic changes. That’s not to say you can’t. I took command on a Saturday afternoon, and had replaced my entire operations section by 1300 that Sunday. I guess it all depends on the severity of the situation.


    UPDATE: tsujimuraasked for some examples of the leadership philosophy I’ve used. Here is the one I used as a PL.