
  • charles.hood replied to the topic Turn the Ship Around! Week 2 Discussion in the forum Junior Officer 5 years, 7 months ago

    I was struck by the question “Are you asking questions to make sure you know or make sure they know? Why?”

    My initial reaction was ‘both’ – I think both are things I would pursue.  However, I also wonder – in the frame of leadership – if my personal motivation matters as much as what I communicate to subordinates?

    I mean, I may be asking about something out of curiosity – but if the Soldier I’m querying takes it as criticism, ignorance, micromanagement, etc. – I may have just communicated something I didn’t mean to through my questioning.

    I think it’s a key part of ‘presence’ – understanding how you are perceived.  It’s something you have limited control over – but ultimate responsibility.

    I’ve frequently used my command philosophy and introductions with units I’ve led to try and communicate that message ‘this is how I ask questions, this is how I gather information, this is how I give feedback’ – then try to live up to what I’ve said.