
  • charles.hood replied to the topic Turn the Ship Around! Week 2 Discussion in the forum Junior Officer 5 years, 7 months ago

    @fightingengineer I agree completely.  I think the author is talking about encouraging initiative, esprit, and empowered leaders – all excellent goals.  But I think he’s skipping over the fact you first have to have compliance, discipline, and competence to move to those higher stages on the ‘hierarchy of needs’ when it comes to organizational and individual function.

    I think it’s especially important for staff officers and commanders at any level.  The understanding they are always working under the intent of ‘higher’ and the ability to understand and move out in accordance with that intent is every bit as important as their own initiative.

    It made me think about all the restrictions placed on fire support and return fire under GEN McCrystal during his tenure as the Commander of ISAF.  GEN McChrystal’s intent was to limit civilian casualties and help create space for political improvements within GIRoA.  However, the execution ensured commanders – concerned for their own careers and ‘report cards’ put ever more onerous restrictions on their subordinates limiting their freedom of action.  The end result was significant damage to the tactical abilities of units and the trust within the chain of command.  It was common knowledge in many units of the need to falsify the sworn statements for individuals – especially route clearance – to justify fire support and firing on enemies they had solid knowledge posed a threat.  That type of action – even when executed with noble intent – degrades the discipline of units and the integrity of mission command.