
  • tiarawalz replied to the topic Turn the Ship Around! Week 3 Discussion in the forum Junior Officer 5 years, 7 months ago

    • Do you act first and think later? Or do you think first and then change your actions?

    I have learned over the years to take my time with decision making (as much as time will allow). Decisions in my field tend to be pretty complex and proper analysis needs to be done to determine the best course of action. Much of my life over the past year has consisted of multiple decision briefs regarding the structure of our primary care clinics, how our group practice managers are staffed, and how we can work to improve provider productivity, template efficiency, and reduce no-shows. Decisions cannot be made hastily or in a vacuum (as much as I’d like to sometimes!). We’ve seen people come through the healthcare admin jobs who made quick decisions without properly weighing options, and it caused turmoil they didn’t see coming. It’s critical for our patients (and staff) that we take the time to weigh options before we choose a solution.