
  • charles.hood replied to the topic Turn the Ship Around! Week 6 Discussion in the forum Junior Officer 5 years, 6 months ago

    ‘What is one part of your organization where you can implement “deliberate action”?’

    I think this is one that has to start with example – so I’d say it starts with me.  I’m an XO on the Army staff and the largest percentage of what I do – as is the case for many staff officers – is in the category of ‘get it done myself.’  The fastest and most comprehensive way a task – or series of tasks – is completed is just doing it myself.  There’s no incentive in many cases to explain my actions and errors fall back on me alone.

    But – as the book shows – it’s a terrible way to strengthen an organization.  Figuring out how much of your actions should be explained, what kind of audit trail to leave, and what level of acknowledgement/review before you take action I think gets very much to the ‘art’ of Soldiering more than the science.  The tactical variables are paramount alongside the team dynamics.