
  • charles.hood replied to the topic Turn the Ship Around! Week 7 Discussion in the forum Junior Officer 5 years, 6 months ago

    ‘What message do you need to keep repeating in your organization?’

    The best example I’ve seen of this was MG Townsend when he commanded the 10th MTN DIV (LI).  He would repeat at every major event – especially training briefings – that a leader could have around five major priorities and the leader must repeat his message on those priorities constantly.  One of his priorities was leader development at the company level – and the message got through.

    I think as a leader your vision and priorities are the things you’ve got to repeat on a constant basis.  I think in some ways a submarine crew is an easier audience – it’s a closed space and ecosystem.  Many company-grade and above organizations are much more spread-out and can be difficult to interact with constantly.  Elements of your organization might function in support of other organizations on a habitual basis – which may mean they’re hearing much more from that organization than their leadership.