
  • fightingengineer replied to the topic How to prepare for company command in the forum Junior Officer 5 years ago

    What a great post! My thoughts are:

    How did you prepare for company command? I trusted my training and had an open mind. Yes, PME has gaps, and CCC is not really structured to teach you how to be a commander. But think of all the development you’ve received over the years. All the counselings (hopefully), all the training, these are the things that prepare you. Outside resources (books, Podcasts, etc.) are great, but they are not in the moment and not specific to the command you will take.

    What would you do different? Talking with my predecessor and seeing what things that we were doing had alternatives. By the time I had my feet under me to look at things and make adjustments, it was nearly too late to see the results.

    If you only had 30 days until change of command, how would you prepare/ prioritize? Inventories. These are a recurring “task” that can be simple or they can drain your unit’s time and morale. Do the CoC inventories right. This will set you up for success during cyclics/sensitive items inventories. These can become non-trivial headaches if you don’t do it right the first time. You can also think of it as the first thing you do to ensure that your transition out of the company is successful.

    What documents were critical to your preparation? Property Book, Training Meeting Slides (CO and BN), Legal Briefs, the outgoing CDR’s continuity file, MToE/TDA, Unit Manning Roster.