
  • fightingengineer replied to the topic EQT Ammo/TC 5-150 in the forum Junior Officer 5 years, 7 months ago

    @jared.kobylski, this requires a few steps. The Engineer Qualification Tables (EQTs) have jumped around in different publications in the eight years I’ve been in.

    If you look at the Engineer School Knowledge Network (ESKN @, in the Frequently Asked Questions, the EQTs are now located in the Combined Arms Training System (CATs @

    Select Engineer as your proponent, and then find the unit type you are looking for. Once you’ve found it, click the checkmark next to it and then select “CATS Report” from the drop down at the bottom. Hit “Generate Report”. It will take some combing through (the one I’m looking at is 211 pages), but you’ll eventually find tables that show the ammunition (and equipment) required for the EQTs.

    You can additionally reference TC 3-20.31 (Training and Qualification, Crew) for information regarding the setup of ranges, etc.