
  • joe replied to the topic Deciding Where to Post in the forum Junior Officer 7 years, 7 months ago


    This is a great questions and I am so glad you asked it.

    I am going to give you a piece of advice that my Battalion Commander told me when I was a LT, “Go to great units.”

    I chose to go the 82nd ABN DIV as a cadet because I knew I wanted to be a Paratrooper and the 82nd was where I could deploy. Although I loved my time at Bragg and would recommend you to go there, I will also tell you any unit with a strong history and great Esprit-de-Corps is an excellent place for a LT.

    My second recommendation, go where your friends are going. One of the reasons I loved serving in the 82nd was because I had so many of my buddies there with me. I wouldn’t trade my LT time for anything because I was in a great unit that challenged me everyday and I had an amazing group of friends that supported each other.

    I hope this helps and good luck wherever you end up.