
  • Good stuff Nate.  I have an addition to your list.  Attached is a shortage tracker that I used in both of my companies.  I HIGHLY recommend filling it out during the COC inventories so that you have an accurate baseline from the beginning.  Here is how we did it:

    -After conducting inventories during the day, the XO would compile the shortages and complete columns A-H.    Once that is complete, your supply sergeant fills out columns I-M (make sure you look for any Non-Expendable shortages in column K…do not sign for the property book if you have Non-Expendable shortages without proper representations).  Columns L and M contain information for ordering that shortage, which comes in extremely handy when your S-4 tells you that you have 2 hours to order $20,000 in shortages.  Other companies would freak out trying to figure out what to order, whereas my supply guy was ready to start ordering immediately because we had a great shortage tracker.

    -When you transfer an item to another unit, or you code it out…make sure that you update your shortage tracker to reflect those shortages that you just lost (dollar amount goes down!).

    -Whenever  you receive a new item from another unit, make sure that you update your shortage tracker with new shortages that you just inherited (you will want to explain this during your CoC outbrief with the BDE commander because those new shortages aren’t your fault…you inherited them from someone else)

    -BLUF: this tracker will allow you, your XO, PLs, and your supply sergeant to track all the shortages in the company, and it helps you order shortages very quickly.  Good luck.