ae_rollinson replied to the topic First Unit/PCS in the forum Junior Officer 8 years ago
@Cplenge, these are all excellent points that really are the next steps beyond just picking the post. I agree with all of them, most especially the ones about financial planning and clothes.
Something I see a lot of people worrying about that I never really have is housing. I have a theory that most people in the Army try to reserve their future housing before they even PCS their ‘old’ duty station so that when they get to their ‘new’ one they can just move in. I personally take the approach that while I can narrow down places to look at, I always want to see some place in person before I sign a contract. I do my preliminary research on distances and areas to look at, but not beyond that until I’ve drive around post/surrounding community. The Army not only authorizes but entitles you to 10 days of PTDY. Go ahead and use it! Don’t worry if someone decides to sign for a house or apartment in the last semester of senior year, you will have time to find a place to live (even if that also means getting a Statement of Nonavailability).
My next suggestion: Let’s talk the “I Love Me” book. Include in there records of your CIF transactions. (Yes, even for USMA this can get messed up and you’ll need proof that you are not in possession of items in order to be issued them. This happened to me at my first duty station, standing in CIF trying to get a ruck sack issued to me but CIF swore their system said I was signed for one. I showed them my ‘cleared’ paperwork from USMA and that successfully took me down the track of clearing my clothing record without paying anything.) Include any personal / personnel document that you might need, such as: change of name documentation (marriage or otherwise), marriage certificate, social security card, vehicle title, vehicle registration and insurance, copies of any awards/badges/certifications you have (such as Airborne or Air Assault), even your Graduation Leave DA31 (for West Pointers – because some people simply won’t believe that you received 60 days of nonchargeable leave), as well as a hard copy of the last SF86 (security clearance form) that you did. Personally, when I PCS from one duty station to another, I also include information from my previous landlord and any utility bills (because the last thing you want to have to figure out is the telephone number or your account number of a water bill when you’re driving across country. You get the picture). I also keep all my old PCS/TCS/TDY orders, as well as my husband’s last PCS orders (we’re duty military) so I have his SSN to settle any pay issues I may have from PCSing. If you get a pet, you may/may not keep immunization documents in the binder, too, depending on where you are PCSing to (ex: Hawaii and OCONUS have strict rules about immunizations and quarantine). All of the documents that go into your binder really depends on how you want to organize your life post-college and if you are married, have a family, etc. In short though, have all the important documents with you so when you get to a new duty station you can deal with any loose ends at your last residence while also answering new questions as you get settled. Last but not least: don’t forget a dozen copies of your PCS orders taking you to your new duty station!