
  • maryebeery replied to the topic Getting the most out of CTLT in the forum Junior Officer 8 years ago

    Do not stress about CTLT. I had the time of my life learning basic ins and outs of being a PL from my sponsor. It is the most carefree environment for learning.

    I was not fortunate enough to know anything about my experience before my departure (except for the location). If your sponsor gets in contact with you or you are given any sort of information, the best way to prepare is to ask questions. Email, call, get the basics as it will put your mind at ease. You’re not going to be expected to know much, so sink it all in. Don’t spend all your time with the other officers there. Get your feet wet by speaking to the PSGs and enlisted. Ask them questions about how they do their job and why they enjoy it so much. Hopefully you will have opportunity to sit in on training meetings, maintenance meetings, or be able to prepare a briefing. Ask for those types of opportunities to understand the full battle rhythm of the BN.