
  • leromt replied to the topic Perceptions of Army Cyber – Potential Disconnect in the forum Junior Officer 8 years ago


    The most important way that other branches should perceive Cyber Soldiers is as force multipliers. Hands down.

    Cyber folks are mostly going to be perceived and stereotyped as being introverts, geeks, basement dwellers,  and probably not being very physically fit; it’s going to happen. I consider myself a cyber guy AND I’m a former AG officer (what kind of stereotyping do you think happens there?) and I’ve experienced it first hand. However, once members of other branches, no matter the branch, see how good you are and that you’re committed to your mission and to supporting THEIR mission, they will perceive you as part of their team.

    The percieved disconnection may come due to the fact that cyber folks don’t necessarily always have “boots on the ground.” However, once other branches realize what you bring to the fight, that disconnection should fade, IMHO.