
  • Okay, we (the Reserve Components) have busted our butts to finally be considered equals with the AC, however the amount of requirements that are required in order to remain “ready” are oppressive, even for AC units. Now try meeting the same requirements with 39 training days a year. I’m not making excuses, just pointing out the difficulties involved.

    This is also what makes the National Guard and Reserves a combat multiplier; when you get an ARNG/USAR Soldier/Leader, you don’t just get an MP, or Infantrymen, or Chem or Signal Officer.  You also get a correctional officer, a cop, a general contractor, a lawyer, a nurse, a fire fighter, and even on occasion a doctor. You get people who are generally older, more mature, with families and higher educational degrees. That is what’s lost when higher leaders put more and more pressure on M-Day Officers and Soldiers.

    When it comes down to the point of “the decision” to either stay or get out, many solid officers are choosing the former.  Won’t this hurt the organization in the long run?