
  • @bmcgarry , 5 hours for a commander/PL doesn’t seem all that much, but then I’m like you and full time.

    You were spot on with your comment “On the flip side I see many Soldiers in/around my organization are unwilling to do anything outside of BA weekend.” Yes, yes and YES!

    Maybe it’s a matter of counseling expectations. Could initial counseling solve this? Upon becoming a leader (SGT up through CPT), leaders lay out what is expected, and that a certain level of non-drill time will be required. Maybe lay it out in terms they understand; “in order to be considered as PROFICIENT(OER)/EXCEEDS THE STANDARD(NCOER), you may be required to perform up to X hours of unit work between drills. In order to be considered for EXCELS(OER)/FAR EXCEEDS(NCOER), you may be required to perform up to Z hours or unit work between drills.”

    Is that an option in addition to the retirement/pay options?