
  • jkadel replied to the topic Leader Development Versus Leader Training in the forum Junior Officer 7 years, 7 months ago

    Scott, I have always made the distinction between Leader Development and Leader’s Training.  The big difference in the role of each in a comprehensive Leader Development Program is the focus on what each is preparing the audience of leader’s for.  In Leadership Development, where we focus on leadership attributes, the focus is improving our ability to lead, regardless of rank, position, branch, etc.  It is no coincidence that these are the areas we are asked to evaluate officers/NCOs against in our evaluations.  For Leader’s Training, the focus is on improving performance in the current duty position, unit, branch, etc. that is specific to that audience in that place at that time.

    Most leaders will agree that there should be a mix of both, but rarely have I seen an LPD program that is structured to have one build upon the other.  If you read the “Leader’s Guide to Unit Leader Development”, it discusses how to build Leader Development and Leader’s Training into everything the unit does.  Having multiple venues and opportunities to reinforce Leadership Attributes and skill sets are the key to long term growth for a cohort of leaders.

    In my opinion, most units spend an unequal amount of time conducting “Leader’s Training” and not “Leadership Development”, yet Leadership attributes are what we evaluate Leader’s performance and potential by.