
  • brock.j.young posted an update 7 years, 7 months ago

    Want to know and understand why the Constitution clearly states that the government will “provide and maintain the Navy” while only “raise and support Armies” for no more than two years, visit Norfolk VA. The awesome power of Naval might on display is impressive.

    • And there is absolutely NO doubt that these massive beasts need to be maintained. While we ground pounding, snake eaters, like to think we’re all that’s needed to win America’s wars and project power, looking across the flight decks of a pair of Nimitz Class Carriers (Washington and Eisenhower), and about a dozen other cruisers and destroyers, makes you truly understand your place in the machine. We may take land, what little of the 29% of it we need to. We kick in doors, and cordon buildings. But without a doubt, the US Navy is the absolute ruler of every square inch of the 71% of this world that is ocean. Well played Navy.