
  • craisler replied to the topic Can Leaders be introverts? in the forum Junior Officer 7 years, 7 months ago

    I don’t think I have much to add that doesn’t just echo what @cptchristopherprice has already said, but I’ll try. I’m an extrovert through and through, but that doesn’t mean I care anymore or am any better of a leader than my introverted peers.  Some of my best friends are introverts!

    As others have mentioned, it comes down to self-awareness. When I counsel my subordinates, I talk to them about how they can become their best authentic self. I don’t expect them, or want them, to be me.  I want them to be the BEST them. Know thyself.

    For me, I want to have family picnics and karaoke contests. For some of my peers, they may want to have meaningful one on one conversations and small gatherings.

    Find what works for you as a leader and is in line with your personality and go from there. Then, once you’ve figured that out, learn what others respond to and move outside your comfort zone to meet them in their comfort zone.