
  • brock.j.young posted an update 7 years, 6 months ago

    Conducting EES/NCOER training, SAT, 18 March 17: Call-in and or follow online.
    I am conducting NCOER/Eval training this weekend and wanted to cast the net to anyone who is interested to join or might be drilling. The classes will be “Intro To EES-Just the Basics” and more advanced “Writing the NCOER; Basics and Art of Bullet Writing” classes (both available here on JO).
    Intro To EES-Just the Basics — Starts at 1400 hrs PST (Pacific Standard Time).
    Writing the NCOER; Basics and Art of Bullet Writing — Starts at 1510/1515 PST (due to short break between classes).
    You can call in and follow along with a downloaded slide-deck, or log in and follow along via Webex.
    Call In:
    855-324-6301 (WebEx)
    Access Code:
    997 452 123
    Join via WEBEX at;