
  • mgardner1 started the topic Establishing and Maintaining Supply Discipline in the forum Junior Officer 7 years, 1 month ago

    In MSL 402, we spent a class discussing supply and its importance. In my opinion, one 50 minute class is not nearly enough time to discuss this topic, as it is something every officer, regardless of branch, will deal with. Many junior officers that I’ve talked to tell me supply and initial inventories are what cause them the most headaches, as they are both vitally important, yet ROTC and BOLC left them feeling unprepared to confidently sign for $X of equipment. I can see why, as the only bit of advice I’ve been given is to “make sure you actually see what you’re signing for.” I feel like it is a bit more complicated than that…

    What are some steps you’ve taken/tools you’ve used to ensure that you not only signed for the correct equipment, but that your unit also maintained supply discipline for the duration of your time as PL/CO?