
  • michael-j-shepard replied to the topic The Company Command Community Team in the forum Junior Officer 7 years, 8 months ago

    Howdy!  I’m Michael Shepard, YG08.

    My background as a commissioned officer in Active Duty began with the Chemical Corps.  While there, I was assigned to the 22nd Chemical Battalion (Technical Escort), where I served as a company XO, CRT Team Leader (Platoon Leader equivalent), Battalion Assistant S3, and HHC Commander.  After the 22nd CM BN (TE), I served in the 20th CBRNE Command as a CBRN Officer in the G3.  After VTIP into FA59, Strategist, I now work in U.S. Army North as a Plans Officer in G5.

    Like Ray, I relied heavily on the CC forums in preparation for command and am here to give back where I can.  I have been involved with the PL and CC forums for about 6 years between the two and am excited to be a part of the new Junior Officer forums now.

    My previous experience on BN staff and as an HHC Commander gives me the chance to help current and future Headquarters Company Commanders in any way I can.  In HHC, we have some unique challenges over line companies and are often held to the same expectations (rightfully so), but the challenges we face in trying to coordinate our efforts around those of the Chief of Staff/XO and the staff sections can seem, at times, insurmountable.  It helps to remember that others have walked that trail before you, so I encourage all of you commanders, both line and HHC, to come ask questions and share your knowledge and experience for others to benefit from.



    Some key focus areas I can assist with or would be happy to have discussions on:

    Company Commander and Staff Integration
    METL Development
    Regulations and Guidelines
    Company Policies
    UCMJ and Courts-Martial
    Organizational systems/tools
    Task management
    Writing/Effective Communication