
  • In the book “Part-Time Command, Full-Time Responsibility: How to Successfully Lead a Company in the Army National Guard,” the author Charles (Chuck) Holmes, gives a decent account as to some of the challenges faced by the “Part-Time” commander, who is responsible for their company 100% of the time. However, that was 2009, and here it is 2017; some things may be the same, some may be different.

    To the Army National Guard and US Army Reserve Captains and Lieutenants who are or have been commanders, lend some of your knowledge to those who are in or who will be taking command someday.


    What’s the best advice you can give someone who is about to take an ARNG or USAR company command?


    What things made/make you successful?


    What things, topics, or issues should they look out for to keep them out of trouble?