
  • smehr replied to the topic Counseling Better and Getting Better Counseling (April 2017 JO Jam) in the forum Junior Officer 7 years, 4 months ago

    There are some really wonderful resources in the above replies and I hope we’re getting the word out to our new 2LTs!

    Counseling on paper is incredibly important and one of the most important factors that I don’t often see happen is the follow-up session!  If you’re holding your Soldiers accountable for their actions by initiating a counseling session, you sabotage your efforts in the end and set yourself and your Soldier up for future failure if you do not follow up on their progress.

    One of the issues I’m discovering with most of my E6 and E5s is that they do not know how to properly fill out a counseling form or how to write an award.  They don’t need to be English majors in order to counsel effectively, but it takes time, effort, and education.  Does anyone have a clear, concise class/handout/example of how to counsel or write an award properly that they could share?  I’m perfectly willing to create a class myself, but I’d rather not reinvent the wheel…