
  • lavertym replied to the topic New to the Job in the forum Junior Officer 6 years, 11 months ago

    1. I would just stick with your CO, mainly cause that should be a quick assignment before school, so really just do what he tells you and then start to be a good JO and anticipate what your boss wants. Its about beginning to understand that CO-XO/PL dynamic that will help you prepare as a PL, seeing as being able to figure out what your boss wants is probably 70% of your entire job in the Army.

    2. While you are there, start thinking about what you branched? Don’t worry about learning too much doctrine, but at least try to start skimming your branch’s main FM, maybe start to read about the positions you could hold when you get to your first post, things like that.

    3. Just talk to your CO, he will give you his two cents, but also just do you. Explore places like this or  fromthegreennotebook, War on the Rocks, etc to develop what you are interested in. Could be a long 4-8 years, might as well find stuff that interest you to read about.