JO Team started the topic Free ticket to DEF2017 in Austin, TX! in the forum Junior Officer 7 years, 6 months ago
The JO Team has been proudly affiliated with and a supporter of the Defense Entrepreneurs Forum (DEF) since the very first DEF back in 2013. This year, we have an extra ticket for DEF2017 in Austin, TX from 14-17 September and want to invite YOU to join us!
We’re offering a FREE general admission ticket (worth $125) that will get you into all conference events. We are not able to cover your travel/lodging/per diem costs, you’ll have to cover those on your own. But we will link you up with our JO core team members attending so that you have a friendly face and a team to be part of.
Here’s how it works: Not later than 2359 EDT 12 August 2017, send an email to 8CALDOL@usma.edu answering the question “What do you hope to get out of DEF2017?” Answers should be no more than 250 words; beyond that, feel free to be as creative as possible. The winner will be notified via email NLT 0800 EDT on 14 August so that he/she can take advantage of the DEF hotel block, which closes on 15 August.
We look forward to hearing from you! If you have questions, feel free to add them to this thread and we’ll answer them post-haste.
Ray for the JO Team
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