
  • brock.j.young replied to the topic Your Biggest Knowledge Gap (August 2017 JO Jam) in the forum Junior Officer 7 years, 1 month ago

    Management is definitely a major gap for me.  My last two commands comes down to one very serious problem; “professional development” isn’t a priority from the BN level.  I think I had management at the platoon level down; I’m still figuring out the company command management thing (but I’m getting it I think). However what’s next? The last 2 BN’s I’ve been part of completely lacked anything more than the basic, check the block NCODP/ODP classes that all units who barely give lip service to leadership development. What development that was received, was sought out by individuals and nothing on larger, organized level.  As a commander, I’m responsible for the development of my PLs, however the last I checked I haven’t made it to the zenith of my experience and training; so more training and development is always appreciated!  After all, I’m hoping this isn’t my last position.