
  • spatelis replied to the topic Talent Management and Diversity (September 2017 JO Jam) in the forum Junior Officer 7 years, 4 months ago

    I agree with ADRP 6-0, Mission Command, in their importance of diversity on a team. The diversity of a team is broadly defined about what unique things they bring in the ability to achieve the mission. Especially how we frame problems and develop solutions.

    “3-10. Effective teams synchronize individual efforts toward a common goal. They promote the exchange of ideas, creativity, and the development of collective solutions. They collaborate across the team to develop and improve processes. The variety of knowledge, talent, expertise, and resources in a team can produce better understanding and alternative options faster than one individual can achieve alone. Successful mission command fosters a greater understanding of the operational environment and solution development through teamwork. This results in teams that—
    Are adaptive and anticipate transitions.

    Accept risks to create opportunities.

    Influence friendly, neutrals, adversaries, enemies, and unified action partners.

    The ultimate team outcome is successful mission accomplishment.” (Emphasis added)