
  • patrick-d-moore1 replied to the topic Example and Appropriateness for Capable OER Block in the forum Junior Officer 6 years, 11 months ago

    Just a quick read at that…why is this a “capable” instead of an “unsatisfactory”.  Requiring supervision/mentoring/coaching=capable.  Leader that shirks responsibility=unsat.

    Yes, I’ve given 2 capable, and 1 unsatisfactory OER to LTs under my command.

    I would talk to the senior rater on this one. Discuss the background, what counseling (documented and undocumented), and what steps you have taken to provide every opportunity for this LT to succeed.  Assuming this is first OER, do you have what you need to affect revocation of commission?  Do you think it may be an aspect of your leadership style?  Does this LT have what it takes to learn from mistakes and do better next rating period?

    The LT I wrote an unsat for ended up being given a “fresh start”.  He’s in the process of getting tossed out now as the subsequent commander fared no better than I in reformation.