
  • logisticus replied to the topic How do i become a platoon leader in the forum Junior Officer 6 years, 11 months ago

    1. first sign for property and simultaneously sign all of it, no excuses, down to each NCO and down to the operator. keep a folder with each sub-hand receipt copy and identify right there during lay-outs, the shortages. discuss with your CDR, and S4 which shortages are priority to get filled and which ones you don’t really use (no need to spend money you don’t have on).

    2. look at your platoon’s mission, how it fits into company, get the calendar, CDR’s training guidance (or BN CDRs) and plan your training; use CATS/ATN to find individual and collective supporting tasks, tables of outlines and evaluations. If -nothing- exists in your unit to guide you by, then use CATS/ATN and FMSWEB and determine what your platoon is designed to do, what is its core mission and train that. Some platoons do their mission daily in garrison, so set up in a field somewhere and do the same thing tactically, get some adjacent units to play OPFOR – you’re limited by only your creativity. Knock out some ranges while at it.

    3. be there for maintenance services, ask questions, try to have lunch with officers more senior to you and ask them what worked, what didn’t work and read.