
  • logisticus replied to the topic 5 Leadership Lessons from Captain James T. Kirk in the forum Junior Officer 6 years, 11 months ago

    Often wondered if real American heroes like Decatur and Redenbacher inspired the creation of Kirk. The reassuring thing is, we’ve had officers like him in our armed forces. I’ll reflect and play devil’s advocate slightly…

    1) Never Stop Learning

    True but this is not unique to him, you’ll hear it many places, very universal trope

    2) Have Advisors with Different World Views

    I love how his guys argued different points of view. Interestingly some may argue that it claws at cohesion.

    3) Be Part of the Away Team

    Is he empowering subordinates? If mission fails without him then no. Does the Enterprise have an NCO Corps? Doesn’t look so – it is officer-centric, with each officer a scientist, diplomat, warrior-athlete,  and morally-superior. Except for the new Discovery show, that has a less physically-fit and emotionally-masterful “lieutenant” maybe as a departure from the mythos, saying its okay to be “different” – the term I use with my boss if he is ever unhappy is “are you competence-shaming me?”

    4) Play Poker, Not Chess

    there are old Soldiers and there are bold Soldiers, but there are no old, bold Soldiers. Petraeus and Dempsey (success stories of recent past) were highly-intelligent, truly cared for people through action not words, but could take on Kasparov.

    5) Blow Up the Enterprise

    It was sub-hand receipted down to Scotty.