
  • A_CJB_16 replied to the topic Section 1 in the forum 1-5 Cav 6 years, 6 months ago

    S3: What factors made Korea vulnerable and appealing for military occupation? What geopolitical factors in the 20th century led Korea’s invasion and occupation in June 1950?

    Korea remained vulnerable throughout history because it was a resource rich territory while being surrounded by large and expansionist empires such as Russia, China, and Japan. Additionally, Korean Confucian culture emphasized pursuit of scholarship over martial prowess; the traditional aristocracy also supported a submissive and non-confrontational attitude among the commoners.

    Korea was an easy target in 1950 for a myriad of reasons. It remained divided over the brutal legacy of Japanese occupation. The United States had allowed an expansionist Japan to oppose Russia and it became a monster that could no longer be controlled. It had failed to set political objectives in the far east after WWII. Russian Communist influence was able to spread because a defined policy had not been created. Korea was thus partitioned along the 38th parallel because of American indifference. Containment policy had solidified in Europe but remained undefined in Asia, Korea was a perfect opportunity for the Soviet strategy of attrition. They understood the lack of American credibility in enforcing its commitments. While the United States might politically and economically support its allies, it lacked the domestic support to use force as a tool of policy. Korea was not vulnerable politically, or economically but it was militarily. In a desire to not provoke its enemy, the position of Korea and the United States was weak. US leaders did not understand “war as a continuation of policy by other means”. They underestimated their enemy’s patience in policy and prowess in combat. They signaled that the US did not care nor had the strength to enforce its agreements. South Korea paid the price.