
  • logisticus replied to the topic My First Suicidal Ideation… in the forum Junior Officer 6 years, 11 months ago



    How can you create a climate within your organizations where Soldiers can come forward without fear of reprisal? Reassure them with words -and- action, live what you preach.

    What are your battle drills when and if you come face to face with this situation? Ask the magic question: are you thinking about hurting yourself or someone else? If yes, call the MPs and they’ll get 911 services, get Soldier to Behavioral Health etc.

    What advice can you give to PLs and Commanders who may come face to face with this situation? Talking face to face is powerful and effective. There was a guy who had just gotten done saying everything he could to try and get me fired. I put my hand on his shoulder and explained that even if things seem to go from worse to worst and even if that lasts a while, he’s only 20 years old, and as long as he learns from his experiences, he’ll overcome challenges, live a long and happy life and be there for his daughter. He proverbially stood down from ledge and also helped CID and MPs uncover a drug-ring in Europe. I left my emotionally-charged and heavy office, walked down the hallway to waiting spouses and children for an FRG event, and  focused on a completely different activity/requirements while proper authorities took care of the SPC.