Alex.Pytlar replied to the topic BOLC for Prospective Armor Officer in the forum Junior Officer 7 years, 2 months ago
Good work leaning forward on BOLC prep. Your specialty will be based on your follow-on assignment. Ensure you try to pick up some notes from the other specialty as you go through, as three of the new LTs in my BN were originally assigned to light units and then ended up in a heavy brigade. I’m not a big fan of the specialization they’ve transitioned to at ABOLC, but I understand why they’ve done it.
As the others have noted, physical fitness and building an initial understanding of doctrine is probably the best way to prepare yourself. You don’t really have to memorize anything at this point, but become familiar with the way doctrine is written and gain an understanding of how the formations are designed (i.e. 4 tanks in a PLT, 6×36 for Scouts, etc). If you’re even relatively familiar with this sort of information, you’ll be significantly more comfortable learning the nuts and bolts.
It certainly sounds like they’ve changed things up quite a bit since I went through (first full ABOLC class at Benning), so I can’t be of much help with the specifics. I don’t know what the Ranger School options look like, but when I went through, slots were incredibly limited. It’s not everyone’s cup of tea, but I would fight for it if given the option. I’m sure you’ve heard it before, but it’s a serious leg up for first impressions and a true leadership school.
The requirements for IMLC have changed since it transitioned HQs, not entirely sure if AR officers can get it out of BOLC anymore. ARC is absolutely a must though, easily the best school I’ve been to so far. If you get selected to take the Mortar PLT at your first unit, they’ll get you back to IMLC (or they should anyway).