
  • logisticus replied to the topic What We're Not Discussing (December 2017 JO Jam) in the forum Junior Officer 6 years, 9 months ago

    Issues are related: I prepared for command, but still learned along the way. Some IMHO solutions maybe:

    1. lengthen time in unit on station between PCS moves

    2. do not retain non-deployable Soldiers, unless they served 18 years, multiple deployments and have experience, wisdom to share – move them to TDA slots and jobs fitting skill-set, allow them to retire. if at 13-14 years, allow them 15 year retirement.

    3. limit sensitivity training. teach it -once- in IET and that’s it. posters with point of contact and list of what qualifies as SHARP or EO is enough.

    4. streamline and speed up admin processes to include chapters. many last 6-8 months on average. make it 6-8 days.

    5. stretch out training cycle and get away from 12 month ARFORGEN mentality. it takes 10,000 rounds to build muscle memory, meanwhile most non-infantry types get 58 rounds a year. don’t treat ranges as qualification (test) but as training to build confidence in weapon.

    6. this right now is at discretion of a creative, innovative, initiative-taking company commander and it shouldn’t be: package training to include combined arms maneuver, to include EA DEV w/ engineers, aviation and artillery (think Musicians from Mars). When do you touch that, besides at a CTC?

    7. Talent management. Nobody really tracks who does what, it is all subjective (this I can truly attest to with multiple examples). Simple fix is, Sr. Raters and Raters must participate in the myriad of ignored online leadership survey/feedback systems and products. Have only one that gets used and lists who did what, to paint the picture and jar the memory banks on who the go-to people are.

    8. QTB is command-driven, but I can read slides for myself, I’m interested in the commander’s dialogue – tell me something I can’t see for myself.

    9. discipline happens with professionalism as the example, and that includes the words and language being used. I had no problems as a commander, once I chaptered 16 Soldiers who didn’t want to be in the Army, and had committed and involved caring leaders in key positions, people started behaving normally, seeing that the company made sense. what discourages discipline and consequently commitment is people seeing wrongdoers get away with it, more than, thrive! if good behavior is rewarded, aligned with published company philosophies and values, and bad behavior is punished, this gets fixed instantly.